Exhibitions 1997
26 November - 20 December 1997
Inez van Lamsweerde
The Widow In The Widow series, the computer was only used to retouch the images and van Lamsweerde has entered into a narrative world, or so it seems at first glance, since we see an eight year old girl posing in different... Victoria Miro Gallery II -
29 October - 21 November 1997
Alex Hartley
Viewer Alex Hartley presents a major new work, Viewer. A gargantuan fully functioning slide viewer, based on an early sixties design, takes over the gallery space whilst oversized slides lean casually against the wall. The 35mm slide is recognised in the... Victoria Miro Gallery II -
9 September - 17 October 1997
Minor Sensation
Group Exhibition Dinos and Jake Chapman, Alex Hartley, Abigail Lane, Chris Ofili, Hadrian Pigott Dinos & Jake Chapman, currently exhibiting in Germano Celant’s Venice Biennale, will present a work which has never before been seen in Britain. Their much awaited solo exhibition... Victoria Miro Gallery II -
8 July - 1 August 1997
Stephen Willats
Street Talk Stephen Willats presents three major new works which celebrate the richness of urban life in London where each individual builds his own space and reality in the face of a bombardment of everyday sensations. Extending ideas in earlier collaborative projects,... Victoria Miro Gallery II -
4 April - 2 May 1997
Chantal Joffe
'The paintings are small format works with a figure or figures, usually partially cropped. I would like to think they are making something beautiful out of something trashy and perhaps something scary out of normality.' Chantal Joffe, March 1997 Victoria Miro Gallery II -
21 February - 27 March 1997
Thomas Demand
There is a certain uneasiness and estrangement about Thomas Demand's large and immaculate photographs of interior spaces and architectural exteriors. Tension between reality and artificiality is established by the fact that what at first appear to be hyperreal reproductions are... Victoria Miro Gallery II -
22 January - 21 February 1997
Udomsak Krisanamis
In this exhibition in Europe, Krisanamis shows four large scale paintings which continue to draw on his experience of moving to the United States from Thailand several years ago, and in particular his approach to language. Krisanamis taught himself English... Victoria Miro Gallery II