Victoria Miro is pleased to present Alex Hartley's most recent culmination of his on-going investigation into dystopian architecture, secular habitation and the construction of sanctuary as an inherent drive to form refuge from the world. Hartley returns to his previous lines of investigation; community, belonging and isolation, and counter culture versus establishment, however with a clear and decisive shift in presentation and form. Hartley's work has become much more focused on the complex and often contradictory attitudes toward the built environments. Gone are the idealised Case Study houses, to be replaced with architectural emblems of the counter culture movement, including the iconic Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome. All this in an ever more desperate quest to occupy uninhabited landscapes and wilderness.
Selected Images
Dropper, 2011
I'm tired of travelling, 2011
It was a long time ago, 2011
The future is certain, 2011
All hope is gone, 2011
Whatever happens is fine, 2011
These days can't last forever, 2011
Waiting for Daylight to End (Kaczynski's Cabin), 2011
Clearing, 2011
I want to be somewhere, 2011
The chance to be someone else, 2011
Everything is wrong, 2011
Imagine there is a God, 2011
The world that we've created, 2011
A city in my mind, 2011
Uniglory, 2011
I don't know where I am, 2011
Outpost, 2011